Chris Harris Talks Success Of TNA Stars In WWE, His Run In WWE & More

December 6, 2020 0 By JohnValbyNation

Former TNA star Chris Harris recently appeared as a guest on The Two Man Power Trip Of Wrestling podcast and spoke about his run in WWE and TNA, as well as the success of TNA stars in the current WWE landscape. Below are some of the highlights from the interview.

On splitting up the America’s Most Wanted tag-team with James Storm in TNA:

“I think it could have gone either way. At that time they could have always found more life with AMW. I never felt like that would go away. But with the idea of splitting us up, again we go back to it is another step in the business where we have to prove ourselves and that is really the natural progression. The team had been together for so long and we had a great run and when that was all going on it was one of those things where we knew we we’re going to feud so it was like the opportunity that had been offered to us back in the day where we were willing to go to any extreme to prove we could both hang and thank God that we knew each other so well we could get away with doing anything to each other and we knew that whatever it took we were going to take the next steps.”

On moving on from the Storm feud to the World Title picture:

“In my opinion (Kurt Angle) is one of the greatest ever and I mean that and I have always thought that. Once Storm and I was done they immediately put me into a World Title “King of the Mountain” match at Slammiversary and I was in the ring and starting to hang with guys like Kurt, Samoa Joe, AJ (Styles) was always in there, Christian was there at the time and it was a whole different level for me and I needed to step it up and step up my game and hang with those guys and we (again) we had some great matches.”

On the recent success of former top TNA stars in the current WWE scene:

“It’s hard to believe a company like them would be like that but that was my experience that I went through. I always told myself that no matter what happened and no matter where I went and still say this today and since I am not full time in the business I would never put myself through that (again). I am so glad that guys like AJ, Ron Killings broke the mold and now guys like Samoa Joe who has a great spot and Eric (Young), Bobby (Roode) are there now and glad that the WWE has completely acknowledged the fact there is life before WWE because these guys were stars at other places in the world and if you acknowledge that it just gets over so much better.”

On his run in WWE as Braden Walker and not liking scripted promos:

“I would have been so much more comfortable if they just let me do my own thing. They are trying to put a vignette together and they are like here say this or say that. I want to be a team player. This is there company and I have to do what I am told so they were the ones feeding me those lines and I just said it. I knew when I was saying it that it was garbage and they take a look at it and accept it and sure enough it is almost laughable and ridiculous that people put in these positions can’t come up with something better than that. Either come up with something better or leave it to me. I had some experience doing interviews and promos so let me do something like that but I couldn’t go in with that attitude and I didn’t want them thinking I was better than them because that is the wrong way to go about it. So I did what they told me to do and it was a disaster from the start.”

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