Chris Jericho Admits To Being Drunk When Tweeting His Response To Triple H

December 30, 2020 0 By JohnValbyNation

The following are highlights from a recent Busted Open Radio interview with former WWE Superstar Chris Jericho:

On being drunk when he tweeted his response to Triple H’s promo on RAW: “The funny thing was had I not been drinking Grey Goose vodka and not been completely loaded when I heard about it, I wouldn’t had bothered twitting about it but I was like: ‘Screw him, I’m going to tweet back.”

On his thoughts about Triple H’s promo on RAW: “That’s Triple H being Triple H. It’s just the way he is and whether he believes it or not, it’s part of the show. I don’t feel that way and I never did feel that way. It’s funny throughout our careers, Triple H and I were almost at the same level. We were always the guy that worked with ‘the guy.’ Triple H is a huge star, one of the greatest of all time but also never really ‘the guy.’ Who really has been ‘the guy’ over the last ten years? I can think of three. Rock, Stone Cold, and John Cena. There you go.”

Check ou the complete interview online at

DIRECT LINK TO ARTICLE: Chris Jericho Talks About When He’ll Return For Next WWE Run