The Satanic Temple Concord City Plaza Display Set Back Up Again

December 19, 2024 0 By JohnValbyNation

CONCORD, NH — And it is back.

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Supporters of The Satanic Temple “holiday display,” “occult deity,” “demonic presence,” or “demon goat god Baphomet” at Concord’s City Plaza set the display back up early Tuesday morning after a homeless man was accused of damaging it Monday night.

Brian Blackden, who has spent the last week and a half guarding the Nativity display after threats of vandalism against it were posted online, called police after reportedly seeing a man damaging The Satanic Temple display.

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At the time, it was believed the man was given a summons or “non-custody arrest” by the investigating officer.

However, Deputy Chief John Thomas said Wednesday morning a criminal mischief charge had not yet been filed in the case. The Concord Police Department is considering whether to file a misdemeanor or a felony charge against the suspect.

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