Month: March 2020

Renewed bail-out concerns over Greece and Portugal

Renewed bail-out concerns over Greece and Portugal Greece awaiting approval for €8.1bn pay-out; Portugal’s bond markets react to political instability. European Voice By Ian Wishart 7/3/13, 11:02 PM CET Updated 4/23/14, 9:30 PM CET Eurozone finance ministers will meet in Brussels on Monday (8 July) amid renewed worries about Greece and Portugal. The Greek government…

By JohnValbyNation March 11, 2020 0

Laure Manaudou: dévalisée pendant son sommeil

Mauvaise surprise au réveil pour et son compagnon Frédérick Bousquet dont le domicile marseillais a été « visité » pendant leur sommeil! C’est ce qu’on appelle un home jacking… Alors qu’ils dormaient dans leur villa Laure Manaudou et Frédérick Bousquet ont été cambriolés dans la nuit de samedi à dimanche à Marseille. Résultat: des voitures…

By JohnValbyNation March 10, 2020 0

Laetitia Casta jury à Venise !

Le jury de cette 69ème Mostra de Venise s’étoffe ! L’actrice française Laetitia Casta ainsi que le réalisateur italien Matteo Garrone se tiendront aux côtés de Michael Mann, Président de cette édition, qui aura lieu du 29 août au 8 septembre prochain. Le jury de cette 69ème Mostra de Venise s’embellit avec l’annonce de la…

By JohnValbyNation March 10, 2020 0

EU enters Gibraltar row

EU enters Gibraltar row Decision to send EU observers follows British request for EU intervention. European Voice By Andrew Gardner 8/20/13, 5:30 AM CET Updated 4/13/14, 1:45 AM CET The European Commission will send a team of observers to Gibraltar, a British territory, “as soon as possible” in an effort to end a dispute between…

By JohnValbyNation March 10, 2020 0

The candidates

The candidates European Voice 6/5/13, 9:20 PM CET Updated 4/13/14, 1:19 AM CET Alex BRENNINKMEIJER Brenninkmeijer has been the ombudsman of the Netherlands since 2005. He began his second six-year term in 2011, after receiving the backing of the Dutch parliament. A lawyer, he has spent most of his career in the academic world and…

By JohnValbyNation March 10, 2020 0

Irish push for a deal on bank resolution

Irish push for a deal on bank resolution European Voice By Ian Wishart 6/26/13, 7:11 PM CET Updated 4/13/14, 1:28 AM CET Leaders go into the European Council this evening (27 June) hoping to be able to declare progress towards establishing a banking union, but much depends on the outcome of last night’s extra-ordinary meeting…

By JohnValbyNation March 10, 2020 0