Month: January 2020

Cult 'anointed by God' kills 7 in Panama jungle

EL TERRÓN, Panama —  Bibles rest on a wooden altar next to percussion instruments — a guiro and a drum — in the room where a religious sect allegedly forced a pregnant woman and five of her children to walk through fire in this remote hamlet. The makeshift sanctuary littered with muddy boots and scorched clothing…

By JohnValbyNation January 19, 2020 0

U.S. officials say they are highly confident to have reached tally on separated children: 4,368

Attorneys are still trying to reach hundreds of parents of separated children as part of San Diego litigation SAN DIEGO —  U.S. officials assured a San Diego federal judge on Friday that they are highly confident that they have accounted for all of the children who were separated from their parents under the Trump administration’s short-lived…

By JohnValbyNation January 19, 2020 0

Photo- Quand Céline Dion rencontre Omar Sy…

Alors que l’année 2015 s’est achevée sous l’influence d’Instagram et ses photos vedettes, la course au like est déjà relancée. Le cliché de Céline Dion posant au côté d’Omar Sy à Las Vegas devrait battre tous les records. C’était prévu, 2016 serait leur année. Céline Dion et Omar Sy n’ont pas perdu de temps pour…

By JohnValbyNation January 18, 2020 0