Month: August 2019

Boris Johnson’s Parliamentary Runaround

Back on April 11th, Donald Tusk, the President of the European Council, said that he had a message for his “British friends”: “Please, do not waste this time.” The European Union had just given the United Kingdom an extension, until Halloween, to get its act together about Brexit. At that point, the U.K. was on…

By JohnValbyNation August 31, 2019 0

The Weight

This is the ninth story in this summer’s online Flash Fiction series. You can read the entire series, and our Flash Fiction stories from 2017 and 2018, here. When she checked her boarding pass, she was in the middle of the row, and there was a man in a blue suit on the aisle, who…

By JohnValbyNation August 30, 2019 0

Joy Harjo, the Poet of American Memory

The poet Joy Harjo, who was recently named the U.S. Poet Laureate, and who is the first enrolled member of a Native American tribe to hold the position, has said: Harjo has spent her career trying to fulfill this credo. Since she published her début collection, in 1975, she has produced eight books of poetry,…

By JohnValbyNation August 30, 2019 0

Rock Master 2003, risultati e foto

28/09 Ad Arco di Trento, Angela Eiter e Alexandre Chabot vincono il Rock Master 2003. A Mauro Calibani e Olga Bibik il Sint roc boulder contest Rock Master pieno e frastornante, dove il “di tutto, di più” assume significati al di là dello spot pubblicitario. Da venerdì a domenica sera: un pieno “zeppo” (tra surrogato…

By JohnValbyNation August 28, 2019 0

Guida ai Monti della Tolfa, presentazione a Roma

L’1/10 verrà presentata a Roma la guida escursionistica e la cartina dei Monti della Tolfa delle Edizioni Il Lupo di Sulmona. Verrà presentata a Roma venerdì 1 ottobre, presso il punto vendita Faress di via di Tor Cervara 10 (zona Tiburtina, uscita 13 GRA), la nuova creazione delle Edizioni Il Lupo di Sulmona: guida escursionistica…

By JohnValbyNation August 28, 2019 0