Cody Rhodes Announces the Retirement of the “Classic” Bullet Club Logo, Kenny Omega Responds
Cody Rhodes has announced that the “classic” Bullet Club logo featuring the black and white skull will soon be retired. The design was unveiled in late 2013 and has been worn by virtually every single member of the faction since Finn Balor founded the group with Tama Tonga, Bad Luck Fale and “Machine Gun” Karl Anderson.
The former ROH World Champion will apparently be unveiling a new logo next week. It’s an interesting move, especially since most (if not all) of the trademark merchandise current available through Pro Wrestling Tees and Hot Topic features the classic logo somewhere on the design.
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For what it’s worth, Kenny Omega responded to Cody’s announcement claiming that he is on “borrowed time” and would be “dealt with” soon. The two will face off next Saturday night at ROH Supercard of Honor in New Orleans.
I will be unveiling the new logo next week!
— Cody Rhodes (@CodyRhodes) March 30, 2018
Um…A new logo…?! Everyone please have patience, this guy is on borrowed time and will be dealt with.
— Kenny Omega (@KennyOmegamanX) March 30, 2018