Shawn Michaels DVD Being Released, Former WWE Star Getting Back In Ring Shape, Marquee Matches Intro (Videos)

August 24, 2021 0 By JohnValbyNation

WWE has released the above video.

WWE Marquee Matches showcases a bout that proves best friends make better enemies for Seth Rollins: Courtesy of the award-winning WWE Network.

Shawn Michaels DVD Being Released

According to, WWE will be releasing a three-disc DVD set titled “Shawn Michaels: The Showstopper Unreleased” sometime this fall.

Read Also: Triple H On a Possible HBK Ring Return in WWE

Former WWE Star Getting Back In Ring Shape

Former WWE star Kaitlyn, real name Celeste Bonin, has released a new video blog which you can check out below:

Finalllllllly using the footage from my road to the ring/come back match in February! I decided to throw it in the Vlog because this week is straight up about wrestling: Why I’m training again, What it means to me and Ultimately how it affects other aspects of my life. When you find something that fuels your passion, never let it go. When I had my “come back” match for Coastal Championship Wrestling, it was about having fun, getting back in shape and just feeling like me again. Now I’m back in the ring training for some upcoming shows/matches. I can’t get enough. What fuels you?

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