Mort de Kristoff St. John : Sa fiancée privée de ses funérailles !

August 17, 2021 0 By JohnValbyNation

Sur son compte Instagram, Kseniya Mikhaleva a posté une photo d’elle et de son fiancé l’acteur Kristoff St. John, mort le 3 février 2019 à son domicile de Los Angeles alors qu’il n’avait que 52 ans. La jeune femme n’a pas pu se rendre au cimetière Pierce Brothers Valley Oaks Memorial Park en Californie.

Alors qu’elle est de nationalité russe et qu’elle vit à Moscou, elle avait besoin d’un visa pour entrer sur le territoire américain mais le service d’immigration américain le lui a refusé ! “Il y a plusieurs semaines, j’ai fait une demande pour obtenir un visa en urgence pour assister à l’enterrement et dire adieu à mon fiancé adoré. La réponse a été ‘non’. Mon coeur est brisé. Je suis traversée par une immense douleur dans mon coeur et je réalise que je n’ai pas l’opportunité de lui dire au-revoir et de déposer des fleurs sur sa tombe. Ce n’est pas normal, ce n’est pas juste (…) C’est effrayant, douloureux, que je ne puisse pas être avec celui que j’aime et sa famille pendant son dernier voyage vers la paix éternelle“, a-t-elle écrit sur Instagram.

Kseniya Mikhaleva et Kristoff St. John, qui était le papa de trois enfants – dont un fils qui s’est suicidé – de précédentes relations, s’étaient fiancés l’année dernière. L’acteur des Feux de l’amour devait épouser sa chérie, mannequin, en septembre…

It is with deep regret and sorrow in my heart that I make this statement. For a year, I was the happiest women on Earth. That changed in a second. I still cannot believe that Kristoff is gone, so early, so unexpectedly, one month after our last meeting in Moscow. In the two years that we were together, he taught me so much how to love and be loved, how to open the best in other people, how to help people, and simply how to be a good human being. We planned to get married; we had many plans in the future together. With him gone, I have no idea what to do. My thoughts and prayers are, first of all, with his two wonderful daughters whom he loved so much, with every member of his family, with his friends, and with the people that watched him every single day on television. People for whom he played, people who inspired him to work and live. Also, I want to state that I have seen several funds claiming that they were opened by me. As of today, I have not opened and am not planning to open any funds. Everything that you see was/is fake. Right now, I want to be with him, his family, and his friends. I am getting thousands of support texts on my Facebook and Instagram and people are asking why I am not with him and how they can help. Several weeks ago I applied for an “emergency”visa for the funeral to say goodbye my fianc and beloved. Answer was “No”. My heart is broken. I am going through this with a huge pain in my heart,and realize that I don’t have opportunity to say goodbye to him and put flowers on his grave. It is not right, not fair. Fly, my love, and finally find peace . Any person in my place would be torn into pieces. It’s scary, painful, that I cannot be with my loved one and his family on his last journey to eternal peace.RIP @kristoffstjohn

Une publication partage par Ksumik (@ksumik) le

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Please Join Us in Celebration – The Beautiful Life Of Kristoff St. John 12pm to 2pm at Calvary Church is open to the public. The burial at 3:30pm is a closed ceremony and by invite only. @kristoffstjohn will be laid to rest, next to our beautiful boy @TheArtofJulian

Une publication partage par Mia St John (@miastjohnboxer) le