12 Legit Legends We Want As Surprise Royal Rumble Entrants In 2019
Photo Credit: https://twitter.com/johnreport
The Royal Rumble is just around the corner, which means it’s almost time to start wildly and unapologetically speculating about every name under the sun that could possibly show up at the Jan. 27th pay-per-view event.
And hey, now that there’s both a men’s and women’s Rumble match every year, that means TWICE the speculation in addition to the never-ending news pieces about how Kenny Omega will definitely or won’t definitely, maybe make a surprise appearance, despite blatant contractual proof that it’s completely impossible.
I wanted to make a list of names that would be really, really cool to see pop up in the 2019 Rumble matches, both the men’s and women’s, but I also didn’t want it to be the same legends and Hall of Famers that we see every single year. I love DDP and Booker T as much as the next guy, but they’re not really ever gone for long enough to appreciate.
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On the next few pages are a collection of true legends (especially Eva Marie) that WWE fans haven’t seen in their ring in a very long time. Some longer than others, but the bottom line is that these names would be actual surprises from awesome talents that we can’t just see at every convention and nostalgia event.