WWE Smackdown LIVE Results (8/27) New Champion Crowned, Daniel Bryan Demands An Apology, Final KOTR 1st Round Matches
AUGUST 27TH, 2019
Results by Doug Enriquez for ProWrestling.com
Roman Reigns is asked what he has to say to Daniel Bryan and Erick Rowan. He says he has a lot to say, but he will save it for the ring.
We are joined by the WWE Champion…Kofi Kingston! He says that Randy Orton like to talk about Kofi being stupid…but who got their ass knocked out last week out of nowhere?
Things have escalated over the last few weeks, but Randy made it personal. All Kofi ever wanted was to prove that he deserved to be in the spot that he is in, to be champion. Randy didn’t want that, he wanted to make it personal and bring in his family, and his brother Xavier Woods.But he says that the last thing we saw last week was Randy Orton cowering up the ramp with fear in his eyes.
Kofi says that when you mess with his family, he does not play around. So now the match is set at Clash of Champions, Kofi Kingston vs. Randy Orton for the WWE Championship. He gets to prove that he was ready then, and he is ready now! At Clash of Champions, Randy Orton is going to find out why Kofi is the W…….W…..E……World…..
“Stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid….” Randy repeats it over and over on the trot, and he tells Kofi that he wanted nothing more than to come out to the ring to beat down Kofi, but he will wait for Clash of Champions. But he is here to read some fan mail. The letter reads for Randy to stop hurting Kofi. That Randy makes Kofi cry at night. Because Kofi is not just this boy’s hero…Kofi is his daddy.
Randy says this is very touching, and Randy is staying at the same hotel as Kofi’s family. So he doesn’t have to write him back…he can just pay him a visit….
Kofi runs to the back and he is met backstage by Randy Orton. The two brawn and throw haymakers back and forth. Kofi has the clear advantage as he is incensed. He throws Orton against a wall, but Orton retaliates by tossing Kofi on a table. Officials try to break them up, but Orton is able to grab Kofi’s head and deliver the DDT to the floor from the table. Ouch. The officials manage to take Orton away and they call a trainer for Kofi.
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